Options in the execution

Without tie rod:

  • smooth surface for easy cleaning
  • stronger painting possible
  • no expansion problems

Central Adjustment

Frontal setting:

  • ease of use
  • shorter actuator length
  • less corrosion

Safe Body

The spring design is fully welded and sealed. In a relaxed position, the spring module can be removed.

Modular: Without injury, replacement with a different spring rate is possible.

Emergency Lubrication

The HD drive is designed for a long service life without maintenance:

Due to the special storage, with selected materials and a high-performance lubricant a long maintenance-free lubrication is guaranteed.

Corrosion Protection

The degree of protection is IP 65 according to EN 60529. All parts of the body are protected against corrosion and uniquely equipped with the maximum possible protection against corrosion.

High corrosion resistance of the materials and coating of the internal components is used to improve the stability of the model. A 3-layer coating is standard. Other requirements for the coating are possible.

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    Halle 8.0 – Stand D75
    15. - 19. Juni 2015
    Halle 8.0 – Stand D75
    15. - 19. Juni 2015
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    Valve World 2022 - Air Torque GmbH